
  • History

    Final Reflection

    Science, which I consider to be the pursuit of knowledge for sake of understanding, has evolved very much over the centuries upon centuries of human evolution. As I’ve said in my previous reflection, prior to this course, I considered science to be rooted in theory and experimentation, based in objectivity. However, as this class has gone on, I’ve learned of the many historical contributions of ancient societies and the pre-Renaissance world, and in turn, have broadened my perspective on what constitutes science. Science doesn’t need to be objective, and in fact, as Cajete points out in his article on Native Science, subjectivity and emotion are key to a full understanding…

  • History

    HIS 276 Midterm Reflection

    Science has changed so much over the years of human civilization. Prior to this course, I thought of science the same way most people think of it: measurements, experiments, data, theories, etc. With the exception of when I took my Economics in Context course as part of the Green Learning Community experience last semester, I never stopped to think about science prior to Sir Isaac Newton, or to question the terms in which we view science as twenty-first century American university students. However, after starting this course, I began to question what science itself means. Much like I’ve begun to discover in my Environmental Science courses, I’ve come to realize…
